7901 W. 135th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223
Facial fat grafting helps to replenish facial volume and support what has been lost during the aging process. Patients seek this plastic surgery procedure for the face to improve specific areas of the face, including cheeks, jawline, lips and temples.
Model pictured is not an actual patient.
The first step in the process is a consultation with Dr. Surek and his staff. You will be asked to discuss your medical history, including surgeries, allergies and current medications.
Dr. Surek, who has specific fellowship training in this procedure, will help to determine the correct amount and location for facial fat grafting. He may also recommend other facial aesthetic procedures that will help you to reach your goals.
Facial fat grafting alone can be performed under local anesthesia in our office. If combined with other surgical procedures, it may be performed at an accredited outpatient surgical facility.
Whether you have additional questions about the procedure or want to move ahead with scheduling a consultation, you can contact Surek Plastic Surgery and we’d be happy to help.